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Power Verbs for Your Resume

From Prof. Matthew Morrison


"Developed and implemented a training program that resulted in a 45% increase in employee satisfaction"

Administered    Developed     Formulated    Formulated    Formulated
Anticipated     Devised       Identified    Identified    Identified
Commissioned    Evaluated     Observed      Observed      Observed
Determined      Forecasted    Planned       Planned       Planned


"Coordinated weekly office schedules for 8 employees."

Acquired      Cataloged      Designated      Logged        Routed
Activated     Centralized    Designed        Mapped out    Scheduled
Adjusted      Charted        Dispatched      Neatened      Secured
Allocated     Classified     Established     Obtained      Selected
Altered       Collected      Facilitated     Ordered       Simplified
Appointed     Committed      Housed          Organized     Sought
Arranged      Confirmed      Implemented     Procured      Straightened
Assembled     Contracted     Incorporated    Programmed    Suggested
Assessed      Coordinated    Instituted      Recruited     Tracked
Assigned      Customized     Issued          Rectified
Authorized    Delegated      Linked          Retrieved


"Handled 20-35+ customer calls per shift regarding coverage changes, renewal rates and billing."

Acted           Displayed      Input           Processed    Sold
Administered    Distributed    Installed       Produced     Stocked
Carried out     Entered        Labored         Proofed      Transacted
Collected       Exercised      Merchandised    Prospected
Completed       Forwarded      Operated        Proved
Conducted       Handled        Performed       Shipped


"Supervised the implementation of new computer filing system that reduced paper use by 35% ."

Adjusted       Correlated     Inspected     Overhauled    Screened
Analyzed       Developed      Judged        Oversaw       Scrutinized
Apportioned    Discovered     Licensed      Policed       Set
Assessed       Established    Maintained    Prohibited    Supervised
Certified      Examined       Measured      Refined       Supplied
Compared       Explored       Modified      Regulated     Tightened
Controlled     Graded         Monitored     Reviewed      Traced
Corrected      Indexed        Officiated    Revised       Update