Resume Formatting Checklist
From Prof. Matthew Morrison.
Place Name big and bold at top of resume
Include contact information under name (address, phone, email)
Place your Profile/Summary of Qualifications under name and contact information
- Always emphasize the skill level and experiences that directly relate to the position being sought
- Articulate what you can bring to the position, not what you hope to gain
- Be clear and concise
List Employment and Project Experience sections next
- Place in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
- Include Position, Company, City/State and Dates Employed
- List a minimum of 3 bullet points for each position
- Write accomplishment bullet points
- Start each bullet point with a power verb in past tense (even for current positions)
- Answer who, what, when, where, why, and how to write a descriptive bullet point
- Should describe more than just your duties - turn DUTIES into SKILLS
- Include what IMPACT or CONTRIBUTION your actions had
- Use numbers to quantify information (i.e., time frame, money)
- Other categories can include:
- Military Experience
- Volunteer Experience (can provide bullet points or just list)
- Awards/Recognition/Patents/Certifications (include dates)
- Computer Skills
- Language Proficiencies
List Education after Experience
- List the Institution, City/State
- Include degree and major (i.e., B.B.A. Management)
- Include graduation date only (i.e., May 2011)
- List emphasis area, minor, and/or certificate if applicable
- List cumulative and/or major GPA if 3.0 or above and Dean’s List/Honors Program if applicable
Other Reminders:
- Tailor information to position seeking and place most relevant information toward top of resume
- Keep it to one or two pages. Should not be more than two pages regardless of number of years worked and jobs held.
- Do not use the pronoun “I”. Write in third person, past tense, including current job.
- Don’t use a template to format
- Use 10pt. traditional font (Ariel, Times New Roman, etc.) and no less than .5 margins
- Place dates on the right of the page
- Stay consistent within format and layout (i.e., using italics, bolding items, etc.)
- Don’t list “References available upon request” (create separate reference page if needed)
- CHECK and RECHECK for spelling/grammatical errors
- Add name and contact information to header or footer of second page