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Creating Accomplishment Statement

From Prof. Matthew Morrison.

Accomplishment statements are important to go beyond just your job responsibilities. One way to do this is to think of the "5W's and an H" rule you learned in school.

  • WHO: Who did your job help? The company? Clients? Customers?
  • WHAT: What happened with the results of the job? If you did research, was that information published? If you had to do a report what was done with that information? Include what RESULTS, IMPACT or CONTRIBUTION your actions had.
  • WHEN: When did this happen? Daily? Weekly, Monthly? Talking about how often you did something is an easy way to show productivity in your job.
  • WHERE: Where did your duties occur? Did you have to travel for a job? Were you responsible for interacting with people outside of your organization?
  • WHY & HOW: Why did you do this? How did your job duties help the organizations ability to function?


  • Use your performance reviews to help you get started.
  • Create a list of things you have been most proud of accomplishing.
  • Use numbers to quantify information (i.e., time frame, money).

If you get really stumped on how to write your accomplishment statement break it down you're your basic responsibilities and use the "Power Verbs for Your Resume" document to get yourself started. Example – Job responsibilities that require using communication skills go to that section and pick the appropriate word to start your statement.

Here is a sample of how to add content and valuable details to your resume. The "details" will set you apart from other candidates and showcase your skills and expertise appropriately.

Sales Associate

Assisted with inventory
Assisted with daily and monthly inventory of over 1200 domestic and foreign

Provided quality customer service
Provided quality customer service by handling customer questions, complaints,
and problem solving to a positive resolution Provided ongoing support in both
business and marketing strategies, increased divisional sales by 15% per

Built displays for featured products
Provided quality customer service by handling customer questions, complaints
and problem solving to a positive resolution